Studying Met Pro Training at a Computer with Coffee and a Cat

Met Pro

Met Pro Training

Modern Energy Tapping Professional EFT (MET Pro) contains the experience, heart & soul of energy work.

Modern Energy Tapping EFT (Met Pro) is a professional training for human and animal practitioners. It follows on from the EFT Foundation training and I usually teach it as a series of 6 evenings (3 hour session each) or 6 Saturday mornings (3 hours session each) via Skype or Zoom.

This page outlines Met Pro training (Modern Energy Tapping Professional);  however, I also offer EFT Foundation and EFT Master training courses and you can always contact me HERE for more information.
The successful student will hold the GoE MET PRo Practitioner Certification and can choose to become either a Standard Member or Professional Member of The Guild of Energists. Professional Members will be included in the public register to this effect.

Level 1

1 – The Gift Of Modern Energy

2 – The Power Of The Positives

3 – Future Orientation

4 – The Treatment Flow

Level 2

5 – The Story Protocol

6 – The EMO Energy Body Protocol

7 – The Energy Matrix

8 – Miracles Of Healing

Level 3

  9 – Energy Relationships

10 – SuperMind Solutions

11 – Advanced Energy Tapping

12 – The New Beginning

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