EFT Foundation

EFT Foundation Training

As well as being a therapist, I am also a certified EFT trainer with The Guild of Energists 

I offer consecutive practitioner trainings for EFT Foundation, EFT Master and EFT Met Pro course levels.


The courses I teach are normally designed to prepare you to work using EFT with people; however, all of my course also include learning about energy healing and mindfulness for animals and Animal EFT. So if you’re a pet guardian or plan to work with animals, my courses will help you understand EFT as it is practised with people as well as animals. It is an added bonus and a unique feature of my training.

While this page is written for the EFT Foundation course (Emotional Freedom Technique Foundation training) and outlines the modules that are specifically taught at this stage, please explore the next course levels, too, which are EFT Master and EFT Met Pro  programs. You can always contact me HERE for more information.

To learn Energy EFT, we normally start with a one day training titled: Energy EFT Foundation. It is a light and lovely introduction to Energy EFT and I usually teach it over two evenings (3 hour sessions each) or on two Saturday mornings (also 3 hour sessions each) via Skype.


More Information on Energy EFT Foundation

Energy EFT Foundation is the perfect course for you if you would like to learn the Energy EFT tapping system for both self-improvement and helping others.

By learning how to improve energy flow and move further up the SUE Scale, you’ll discover how to go from problems to solutions in a broad range of applications. Energy EFT, like its predecessor Classic EFT, teaches you skills about gaining emotional freedom from negative or low energy states, but this updated method is also applicable for creating high-energy states suitable for goal setting, inspiration, creativity and more.

Energy EFT Foundation is a highly comprehensive, knowledgeable and practical course, which is packed full of ideas, tips and techniques. You’ll have plenty of opportunity putting Energy EFT to work on improving all aspects of your life.


1) Unit One: Introduction To Energy EFT

The History of Energy EFT
The SUE Scale
The Heart Position
The Energy EFT Tapping Points How To Tap Energy EFT
The Energy EFT Round
The Energy EFT Set Up How To Raise Energy
Positive EFT

2) Unit Two: The Energy Billionaire

The Different States of The Energy Body
The Stress To Success Pyramid Model
How To Give The Energy Body What It Needs To Be Stronger, Happier & Healthier
How To Become An Energy Billionaire
How To Draw On Powerful Nature Energies
How To Draw On Pure Animal Energy
How To Energize With Colour Energy
Using Energy EFT To Unlock The “Oceans Of Energy” For You

3) Unit Three: From Problems To Solutions

How To Manage Real Life Stress
How To Use The Aspects Model
How To Release Negative Emotions
Set Ups For Different Stress Levels
How To Stay Energized In Real Life
How To Convert Problems Into Solutions
How To Find Powerful Positive Set Ups
How Many Rounds To Tap
How To Tap For Past Aspects
How To Tap For Future Aspects
How to Tap By Proxy For Other People

4) Unit Four: Energy EFT For Two – And More!

Tapping Energy EFT With A Friend
Energy EFT With A Partner
Energy EFT With A Group
Tapping With Children
Tapping With Older Children & Teenagers
How To Teach and Share Energy EFT
The Heart of Gold Pattern


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